Projects and activities
Most of our public activities consist of seminars, workshops, conferences and dialogues, organised in cyclical paths that allow us to study and therefore interpret complex phenomena, in line with the structural search for multidisciplinarity and complementarity of knowledge that animates Polis.
We intend to promote the active participation of our members, inviting them to propose activities and supporting them in their implementation. Our paths generally last six months: from January to June and from September to December.
In parallel with public activities, we organise round tables by invitation as an opportunity to develop ideas and projects that contribute to defining the social, economic, cultural and political processes of our time, in a generative and stimulating framework.
Coming soon

"Prospects for Venice in the Age of Digitalization: towards a Competitive Pheriphery?"
On November 27th we will hold our first event titled "Prospects for Venice in the Age of Digitalization: towards a Competitive Periphery?" with Giulio Buciuni (Trinity College, Dublin) and Giancarlo Corò (Ca' Foscari University).
In the book “Periferie Competitive” the two authors explain how digitalization, contrary to expectations, has accentuated the differences between developed and less developed territories.
However, we belive that territories that, like Venice, are considered peripheral can be innovated by creating networks between businesses, universities and research.
Starting from the presentation of the book, we will discuss the progressive loss of attractiveness of Venice in a socio - economic context, in which capital and opportunities tend to be concentrated in a few large innovative cities; afterwards, there will be time for discussion with the stakeholders, in which we will explore the possibility of stimulating innovation in the Venetian territory to create a more attractive environment.
Free entry previous registration at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/prospettive-per-venezia-nellera-della-digitalizzazione-tickets-1077232073129?aff=oddtdtcreator

Social Theatre with Giudecca Women's Prison
Polis and the Casa di reclusione Femminile della Giudecca offer to students and non-students of the Venetian community, the opportunity to actively take part in a theatrical project that sees the lives and stories of the inmates in dialogue with those of the members of Polis.
The project will be officially presented in the second half of September and will consist of weekly workshops at the Casa di reclusione in Giudecca, with the fundamental contribution of Venetian cultural and theatrical associations.
PISE network event
We are thrilled to have taken part as co - organizers in the inaugural event of the PISE network, a unique opportunity to connect students, professors and alumni, to create new connections and share experiences.
Among the guests we would like to mention and to thank Professor Matteo Cosci, coordinator of the Bachelor degree in "Philosophy, International and Economic Studies" and Professor Vanni Pettinà for sharing their experiences and all those who made this evening so special with their participation. Special thanks also to Nicola Rotolo and Giorgio Antonio Sanders for making all this possible by founding this community.
During the event, we also rewarded and thanked Professor Matteo Legrenzi, founder of the PISE course for his dedication and trust in our project, by making him the first honorary member of Polis.
We hope that this event is just the beginning of a stimulating and long-lasting project whose primary objective is to connect the PISE community and at the same time committing itself to expressing and enhancing the uniqueness and talent of each member, through activities and networks.
We were present at the XIII edition of the Festival della Politica, held in Mestre from 4th to 8th September. This edition of the Festival, with the title “Tutta la vita davanti: una polis per la Generazione Z”, addressed a crucial theme that is very important to us: the present and future of Generation Z, between epochal challenges and new political scenarios.
On September 7th in the M9lab we publicly presented Polis and its objectives with the panel “Connecting students and local realities to interpret the challenges of the future”. With us, there were the Vice-Rector of Ca' Foscari, the Professor Andrea Marin and the Director of the PISE course Professor Matteo Cosci.
The panel was meant to present, to the public, the nature of Polis, the horizon of activities and proposals for the upcoming months, the form of commitment for those who will become members and for those who will work with us.
As mentioned during the presentation, this day, as well as the weeks that await us, has the young and restless taste of a wild and unexplored horizon.
Polis at "Festival della Politica"

Although Polis is a newly founded association, we were the only university organization to offer the student community a debate between MEP candidates one month before the European elections took place. Our guests were Elisabetta Gualmini of PD, Carlo Pasqualetto of Azione, Sara Pignedoli of the Movimento 5 Stelle, Deborah Onisto of Forza Italia and Antonella Soldo of +Europa.
The event, attended by over a hundred participants, consisted of a European talk in which various guests discussed the future of our continent with particular attention to some of the main challenges of our time, including both the ecological and digital transitions. The meeting, mediated by political journalist Enrico Veronese, also saw the participation of Professor Marco Di Cataldo who gave a lesson of political economy.
The event was followed by a moment of peer talks between the candidates and participants in a more informal context which encouraged discussions on the previously debated topics.
Talk: "The future of Europe"

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